Overview of major achievements 


  • Rector of the School of Animal Sciences of the Agricultural University of Athens, Greece.
  • President of the European College of Veterinary Microbiology established within the European Board of Veterinary Specializations (EBVS).
  • Founding Member of the Hellenic Nanotechnology Society for Health Sciences.
  • Expert of the Research Executive Agency for the management of EU and Euratom  research and innovation programmes.
  • Evaluator of the European Association for Establishments in Veterinary Education (EAEVE Visitor).
  • Registered inventor and owner of 6 approved European Patent Applications relating to molecular and nanotechnology diagnostics.
  • Coordinator/Scientific Responsible of 20 competitive international research projects.
  • Author of more than 70 publications in peer review journals, one book chapter, and one University textbook; total impact factor 168.758; hetero-citations 1256; h-index 20.


  • Undergraduate Studies: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Veterinary Medicine. Graduation in1993 with Bachelor´s degree (Grade: Very Well – 7).
  • 1992. Postgraduate Studies (MSc): University of London, Royal Veterinary College, Dep. Master’s in Veterinary Microbiology. Graduation 1993. Dissertation title: “Cloning of overlapping peptide fragments of Brucella suis, Heat Shock Protein 62 and their use as antigens in ELISA tests”.
  • 1992-93. Practical Training: Five-month practical  training  in  Molecular  Biology  in  CVL,  (Central  VeterinaryLaboratory), Surrey U.
  • Postgraduate Studies (PhD): 1996: PhD conducted in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Veterinary Medicine Department of Microbiology. Dissertation title: “Application of Molecular Biology techniques to the diagnosis and epidemiology study of tuberculosis”. Awarded the title “Doctor in Veterinary Medicine”, in 1999 (Grade: Excellent).



  • 1996-2004: Private Veterinary Surgeon.
  • 1997-2004: Scientific Associate in the School of Medicine of the National and Kapodestrian Univerity of Athens.
  • 2000-2002: Instructor of Microbiology at the SBIE Public Institute of Professional Training.
  • 2002 to this day, member of the Teaching and Research Personnel in the Department of Animal Science of the Agricultural University of Athens, Greece.



  • Member of the Geotechnical Chambers of Greece
  • Member of the Hellenic Veterinary Medicine Society
  • Member of the Hellenic Veterinary Association
  • Member of the Hellenic Zootechnic Society
  • Member of the European Mycobacteriology Group
  • Member of the Hellenic Nanotechnology Society in Health Sciences
  • Member of the European College of Veterinary Microbiology


  1. 1st Congress Award, 7th Hellenic Medical Congress of Thoracic Diseases, 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  2. 2. 2nd Congress Award, 25th Hellenic Medical Congress, 1999, Athens, Gr
  3. 3. 1st  Athens  Academy  Award  for  the  publication  “Effects  of  p53  mutants  derived  from  lung carcinoma on the p53responsive element of the MDM2 gene”, 1999, Athens ,Gr
  4. Invited Speaker in a Round Table held on the topic “Molecular Biology in Pneumonology”. Presentation title: “Application of Molecular  Biology  to  the  diagnosis  of  lung  mycobacterial infections”. 11th  Hellenic Medical Congress of Thoracic Diseases, October 2001, Thessaloniky, Greece.
  5. 1st Congress Award. 9th Hellenic Veterinary Congress, 2002, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  6. Award for the most innovative study, 2nd Hellenic Congress of Inflammatory Bowel Disease , 2003, Athens, Greece.
  7. 2nd Award for the best oral presentation, 24th Hellenic Congress of Gastroenterology, 2004, Athens, Greece.
  8. Best poster, 12th World Congress of the International Society for Animal Health, 2007 , Poland.
  9. Chair of the Scientific Committee of the European Congress organized within the frame of the EU-funded activity“Veterinary Network of Laboratories Researching into Improved Diagnosis and Epidemiology of Mycobacterial Diseases”,in Athens, May 2007.
  10. External member of the ISOGEM Committee (International Society for Genomic and Evolutionary Microbiology) for the nomination of the awardees of the Pasteur Veterinary Award 2008.
  11. Invited speaker to a  Round  Table,  2nd   Hellenic  Congress  “Modern  Dietary Challenges for the Safety and Quality of Food”, 6-8 June 2008, Thessaloniky, Greece.
  12. External evaluator of research proposals submitted under the Framework Programme for Research, TechnologicalDevelopment and Innovation 2009-10, to the Research Promotion Foundation of the Democracy of Cyrpus.
  13. 13. External evaluator of proposals  submitted  under  the  Framework  Programme  for  Research, TechnologicalDevelopment and Innovation 2009-2010 (DESMI 2009-2010); University Grants Committee Secretariat 2012, Hong Kong,Chin
  14. 14. External evaluator for The  National  Agency  for  the  Evaluation of  Universities and  Research Institutes (ANVUR)2004-2010 of Italian universities and research institutes.
  15. 15. External evaluator of research proposals submitted to the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, in year201
  16. External evaluator of research proposals submitted to the Czech-Norwegian Research Programme (CZ09), in year 2014.
  17. Chair of the Organizing and Scientific Committee of the Conference titled “Biosafety of Food of Animal Origin Aimedfor Consumption by Children in Greece” held in collaboration with the Greek Gastroenterology Foundation and theHellenic Veterinary Medicine Society during the 12th Hellenic Veterinary Congress, in Athens, Greece, on April 2012.
  18. 18. Invited speaker in round table, 12th Hellenic Veterinary Medicine Congress “Current health topics concerning the smallruminant industry in Greece”, Athens, April 2012.
  19. Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Infectious Diseases and Immunity.
  20. 20. Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal “Mycobacterial Diseases”.
  21. 21. Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of “The Open Biomarkers Journal”.
  22. Expert of the Research Executive Agency for the management of EU and Euratom research and innovation programmes, from year 2016.
  23. Founding Member of the Hellenic Nanotechnology Society in Health Sciences (2016).
  24. Technical expert/Assessor of the Hellenic System of Accreditation for the quality standard ISO17025, from year 2017.
  25. President of the European College of Veterinary Microbiology that functions under the auspices of the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation, for the period 2016-21.
  26. Invited speaker by the Centre of Biological Research of the Hellenic Armed Forces (2017, Title of speech: The context of zoonosis after Koch’s postulates).
  27. Invited Speaker at the 33rd Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Zootechnic Society (Preveza, Greece, October 2018).
  28. Invited lecturer by the Department of Excellence of the Italian Ministry of Education to the School of Veterinary Medicine of the University Aldo Moro, Bari Italy (2019, Subject: Animal Health and Zoonoses).
  29. Invited speaker at the 73rd National Conference of the Italian Society of Veterinary Sciences, on “The nanotechnology approach to microbial detection and identification” (June 19-22 2019, Sardinia, Italy).
  30. Rector of the School of Animal Biosciences of the Agricultural University of Athens, Greece, for the period 2019-2022.
  31. Chair of the opening session of the 34th Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Zootechnic Society (Volos, Greece, October 2019).
  32. Evaluator of the European Association for Establishments in Veterinary Education (EAEVE Visitor), from year 2019.
  33. Invited speaker at the 16th International Congress of the Montenegro Veterinary Hospital – XVI CONGRESSO INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL VETERINARIO MONTENEGRO (Oporto, Portugal, February 2020).


  1. 1. Designated Inventor of a granted National (No. 20030100421) and International patent (PCT/GR2004/000051) for a  one-tube  nested  PCR  assay  designed  for  the  detection  of Mycovacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis.
  2. 2. Designated Inventor of a  patent  submitted  to the  European Patent  Office  (6/3/2009  ΕΡ 09003291.) with the title”PARATUBERCULOSIS SUSCEPTIBILITY TEST” that refers to the sequencing of the caprine NRAMP1 gene(Accession EU283410).
  3. 3. Designated Inventor of a patent submitted to the European Patent Office (18/9/2009 ΕΡ09001-1223) with thetitle “Mycobacterial detection” that refers to the application of gold nanoparticles for the detection of mycobacterialpathogens.
  4. 4. Designated Owner  of  a patent  submitted  tothe  European  Patent  Office  (30/9/2010 EP100112370) under thetitle “Mycobacterial detection” that refers to  the application of cadmium selenide quantum dots for the detection ofmycobacterial peptides.
  5. 5. Designated Inventor  of  a patent  submitted  to the  European  Patent  Office  (17/2/2012 ΕΡ12001085.5)   under   the   title   “DETECTION   OF   MYCOBACTERIAL   PROTEIN TARGETS USING  QUANTUM DOTS (QDs)AND IMMUNOMAGNETIC SEPERATION”.
  6. 6. Designated Inventor of a patent submitted to the European Patent Office (23/2/2012 ΕΡ 12001219) under thetitle “NANOPARTICLE APPLICATION FOR THE DETECTION OF PROTOZOAN PATHOGEN DNA.



  • 1st  registration of  the  nucleotide  sequence  of  the  Nramp1  (natural  resistance  associated macrophage protein 1)gene of goats (Capra hircus), partial cds. Liandris , Gazouli M., and Ikonomopoulos I., 15/11/2007 AccessionEU283410.
  • 1st registration of the full nucleotide sequence of the 3’ UTR of the Nramp1 (natural resistance associated macrophage protein 1) gene of goats (Capra hircus), (GenBank accession number JF431430).



  1. 1. 1997, FA-ST 8241,  Improvement  of  Salmonella  control  in  animal  feeds  based  on  the molecular and biochemicalanalysis of the product. Exploratory Award, Duration 12 mont Total budget 72,000 ecu.
  2. 2. 1997, 96SYN139, Rapid diagnosis of human tuberculosis. Duration 12 month Total budget 9,200,000 drachmas.
  3. 3. 1999, QLRT-1999-30928, Improvement of Prevention Diagnosis and Treatment of sarcoidosis and Crohn’s diseasDuration 42 months. Total budget 3,000,000 euro.
  4. 4. 2003, Activity  Various  Studies,  the  Laboratory  of  Anatomy  Physiology  of  ASA  was registered in the thematicareas Life Sciences – Agrofoods and “Life Sciences – Biotechnology”.
  5. 5. 2007, LSHB-CT-2007-036812, Multiparametric detection of bio-molecule conjugated nanoparticles for the  diagnosticinvestigation of  mycobacterial infections of  humans and anim Duration 36 months. Total budget 3,200,000 euro.
  6. 6. 2009, EL067, Assessment of the biosafety of child food of animal origin in Gr Duration 36 months. Total budget440,000 euro.
  7. On going from 2010, Molecular Diagnostic Services (project registered to the AUA Research Secretariat aiming at providing diagnostic services to the public). Estimated total outflows 65,000 euro.



  1. 1999, EXAW-1999-01447, Production of DNA Grid-based molecular kit for the detection and identification of pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria in food. Duration 12 months (Exploratory award). Total Budget 45,000 euro.
  2. 1999, QLRT-1999-00226, Validation and standardization of diagnostic Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for detection of food borne pathogens (FOOD-PCR). Duration 36 months. Total budget 2,000,000 euro.
  3. 2001, QLK3-CT-2001-70482, Biomolecular image processing tool (BIO-IMAGE). Duration 24 months. Total budget 1,600,000 euro.
  4. 2004, (COST) SSPE-CT-2004-501903, Veterinary Network of Laboratories Researching into Improved Diagnosis and Epidemiology of Mycobacterial Diseases. Duration 4 years.
  5. 2013, Investigation to determine positive and negative predictive value of PCR for the detection of Leishmania in the cat. Conducted in collaboration with the School of Health Sciences of the University of Thessaly, Department of Veterinary Medicine. Amount allocated to the applicant’s team, 5,000 euro.
  6. 2014, Investigation to determine positive and negative predictive value of PCR for the detection of Leishmania in the dog. Conducted in collaboration with the School of Health Sciences of the University of Thessaly, Department of Veterinary Medicine. Amount allocated to the applicant’s team, 5,000 euro.
  7. 2014: Vaccine-based control of paratuberculosis. Conducted in collaboration with the School of Health Sciences of the University of Thessaly, Department of Veterinary Medicine within the context of the programme “Research Excellence” (Aristeia). Total budget 160,000 euro, amount allocated to the applicant’s team, 43,000 euro.



  1. 1999, HC1025, Development of 3D models from histological sections. Duration 36 months. Total budget 2,000,000euro.
  2. 1999, CT98-4373: Concerted action for the setting up of a European Veterinary network on diagnosis research andepidemiology of mycobacterial diseases. Duration 36 months. Total budget 504,000 euro.
  3. 2001, BG/IB/2001-AG-03 Improving Veterinary Care, Transfer of know-how to Bulgaria for the incorporation ofmolecular detection of mycobacteria to Veterinary Pr
  4. 2019, 2018ΣΕ0130000000 The Routes of Bee. Duration 24 months. Total budget 1,360,784 euro, amount dedicated to the applicant’s team 70,000 euro.
  5. 2019, (COST: ENOVAT, CA18217) European Network for Optimization of Veterinary Antimicrobial Treatment.
  6. 2019, (DISARM) Disseminating Innovation Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance Management”. Duration 36 months. Total budget 2,000,000 euro.

Selected publications

  • Assessment of mycobacterial, propionibacterial, and human herpesvirus 8 DNA in tissues of Greek patients with sarcoidosis. Gazouli M, Ikonomopoulos J, Trigidou R, Foteinou M, Kittas C, Gorgoulis V. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2002, 40(8): 3060-3063.
  • Molecular diagnosis of leishmaniosis in dogs. Comparative application of the traditional diagnostic methods and the proposed assay on clinical samples. Ikonomopoulos J, Kokotas S, Gazouli M, Zavras A, Stoitsiou M, Gorgoulis V. Veterinary Parasitology 2003, 113(2): 99-113.
  • Comparative evaluation of positive tests to Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis in clinically healthy sheep and goats of South -West Greece using molecular techniques, serology, and culture. Ikonomopoulos J, Balaskas C, Kantzoura B, Fragiadaki E, Pavlik I, Bartos M, Lukas J, Gazouli M. The Veterinary Journal 2007, 174(2): 337-343.
  • The functional polymorphisms of NRAMP1 gene in Greeks with sarcoidosis. Gazouli M, Koundourakis A, Ikonomopoulos J, Gialafos JE, Papaconstantinou I, Lukas JC, Vassilis G, Kittas C. Sarcoidosis Vasculitis and Diffuse Lung Diseases 2007, 24(2): 153-154.
  • Estimation of the spread of pathogenic mycobacteria in organic broiler farms by the polymerase chain reaction. Ikonomopoulos J, Fragkiadaki E, Liandris E, Sotirakoglou K, Xylouri E, Gazouli Veterinary Microbiology 2009, 133(3): 278-282.
  • Associations between abortion-records in goats and test-positivity to Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis. Ikonomopoulos J, Liandris E, Andreadou M, Gazouli M. The Open Veterinary Science Journal 2009, 3: 1-5.
  • Direct detection of unamplified DNA from pathogenic mycobacteria using DNA-derivatized gold nanoparticles. Liandris E, Gazouli M, Andreadou M, Comor M, Abazovic N, Sechi L, Ikonomopoulos J. Journal of Microbiological Methods 2009, 78(3): 260-264.
  • Linking Chronic Infection and Autoimmune Diseases: Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, SLC11A1 Polymorphisms and Type-1 Diabetes Mellitus. Paccagnini D, Sieswarda L, Rosu V, Masala S, Pacifico A, Gazouli M, Ikonomopoulos J, Ahmed N, Zanetti S, Sechi L. PloS One 2009, 4(9): e7109.
  • Investigation for the association of the SLC11A1 gene with resistance/sensitivity of goats (Capra hircus) to paratuberculosis. Korou LM, Liandris E, Gazouli M, Ikonomopoulos J. Veterinary Microbiology 2010, 144(3-4): 353-358.
  • Detection of Pathogenic Mycobacteria Based on Functionalized Quantum Dots Coupled with Immunomagnetic Separation. Liandris E, Gazouli M, Andreadou M, Sechi LA, Rosu V, Ikonomopoulos J. PLoS One 2011, 6(5): e20026.
  • Associations between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of GDF9 and BMP15 genes and litter size in two dairy sheep breeds of Greece. Liandris E, Kominakis A, Andreadou M, Kapeoldassi K, Chadio S, Tsiligiannis Th, Gazouli M, Ikonomopoulos Small Ruminant Research 2012, 107(1): 16-21.
  • Nanotechnology-based diagnostics; Are we facing the Biotechnology revolution of the 21st century? Ikonomopoulos J. Mycobacterial Diseases, (2011), 1(1): e102.
  • Evaluation of the performance of selected in-house and commercially available PCR and RT-PCR assays for the detection of Leishmania DNA in clinical samples. Andreadou M, Liandris E, Kasampalidis IN, Taka S, Antoniou M, Ntais P, Vaiopoulou A, Theodoropoulos G, Gazouli M, Ikonomopoulos J. Experimental Parasitology 2012, 131(4): 419–424.
  • Reliable Application of PCR: An Elusive Pathway. Ikonomopoulos J. Mycobacterial Diseases 2012, 2: e117.
  • In vitro expression of the SLC11A1 gene in goat monocyte derived macrophages challenged with Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis. Taka S, Liandris E, Gazouli M, Sotirakoglou K, Theodoropoulos G, Bountouri M, Andreadou M, Ikonomopoulos J. Infection Genetics and Evolution 2013, 17: 8-15.
  • A novel non-amplification assay for the detection of Leishmania spp., in clinical samples. Andreadou M, Liandris E, Gazouli M, Taks S, Antoniou M, Theodoropoulos G, Tachtsidis I, Goutas N, Vlachodimitropoluos D, Kasampalidis I, Ikonomopoulos I. Journal of Microbiological Methods 2014, 96(1): 56-61.
  • Evaluation of the microbial safety of child food of animal origin in Greece. Liandris E, Gazouli M, Taka S, Andreadou M, Vaiopoulou A, Tzimotoudis N, Kasampalidis I, Mpaseas D, Fyliousis G, Poltrionieri P, Cook N, Ikonomopoulos J. Journal of Food Science 2014, 79(3): M362-368.
  • Quantum dots-bevacizumab complexes for in vivo imaging of tumors. Gazouli M, Bouziotis P, Lyberopoulou A, Ikonomopoulos J, Papalois A, Anagnou NP, Eftathopoulos EP. In Vivo 2014, 28(6): 1091-1096.
  • Functional analysis of 3΄UTR polymorphisms in the caprine SLC11A1 gene and its association with the Μycobacterium avium paratuberculosis infection. Taka S, Gazouli M, Sotirakoglou K, Liandris E, Andreadou M, Triantaphyllopoulos K, Ikonomopoulos J. VeterinaryImmunology and Immunopathology 2015, 167(1-2): 75-79.
  • Detection of mycobacterial DNA by a specific and simple lateral flow assay incorporating cadmium selenide quantum dots. Cimaglia F, Liandris E, Gazouli M, Sechi L, Chiesa M, De Lorenzis E, Andreadou M, Styliani T, Mataragka A, Ikonomopoulos J. Molecular and Cellular Probes 2015, 29(6): 534-536.
  • Detection of Leishmania-specific DNA and surface antigens using a combination of functionalized magnetic beads and cadmium selenite quantum dots. Andreadou M, Liandris E, Gazouli M, Mataragka A, Tachtsidis I, Goutas N, Vlachodimitropoulos D, Ikonomopoulos J. Journal of Microbiological Methods 2016, 123: 62-67.
  • Validation of a Loop-Mediated Amplification/ISO 6570-Based Method for Analysing Soya Meal for the Presence of Salmonella enterica. D’Agostino M, Robles S, Hansen F, Ntafis V, Ikonomopoulos J, Kokkinos P, Alvarez-Ordonez A, Jordan K, Delibato E, Kukier E, Sieradzki Z, Kwiatek K, Milanov D, Petrović T, Gonzalez-Garcia P, Lazaro DR, Jackson EE, Forsythe SJ, O’Brien L, Cook N. Food Analytical Methods 2016, 9(11): 2979-2985.
  • Epigenetics and inheritance of phenotype variation in livestock. Triantaphylopoulos K, Ikonomopoulos I, Bannister A. Epigenetics and Chromatin 2016, 9(1): 31.
  • Interaction between veterinary medicine and nanotechnology; the present and the near future: A Review. Ikonomopoulos J. International Journal of Environmental and Agriculture Research 2016, 2(9): 66-71.
  • Detection of the Deformed Wing Virus of bees using the polymerase chain reaction: a review with reference to method validation. Mataragka A, Leetham S, Smyth CS, Decaro N, Charistos L, Bouga M, Ikonomopoulos J. (2020). Journal of Apicultural Research, DOI: 1080/00218839.2019.1702324.
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