The objective of DrHippocrates.com is to lead its target group to the realisation of the One Health concept, or in other words that health protection has to be approached with respect to the interdependence of humans, animals and the environment. This means that the physiological (body structure and function), environmental (physical conditions, climate, soil, water, air, etc), infectious (microbial, parasitic, fungal), and genetic (genetic predisposition, genetic mutations, epigenetic changes, etc) parameters that determine health protection can only be evaluated accurately if viewed as a whole for both humans and animals.
When it comes to Health Protection, humans, animals and the environment are an integral part of a single whole!

The approach is deductive: the One Health concept is deducted using Veterinary Science to conduct a comparative analysis between humans and animals with regards to Anatomy and Physiology, Pathology/Internal Medicine and Ethology (behaviour).